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Neurology Theory Questions of DNB
These are Questions on Neurology asked in DNB Theory Exams. They are arranged topic wise.
Describe evaluation of a child with cerebral palsy. | CP | Dec.2009 | 10 |
An 8 year old aparently well boy presents with generalized siezures for the last one hour. How will you approach this childe? Discuss the management of this patient. | Epilepsy | 2008 | |
diagnosis and management of a child with partial focal seizure | Epilepsy | 2006 | |
Discuss the conditions that mimic seizures in children | Epilepsy | 2007 | |
Indications for the therapeutic use of newer anticonvulsants in childhood seizure states and thir potential adverse effects. | Epilepsy | 2007 | |
SN febrile convulsion | Epilepsy | 2001 | |
SN – management of children with partial epilepsy | Epilepsy | 1995 | |
SN newer antiepileptic drugs | Epilepsy | 1999 | |
SN treatment of status epilepticus in a 5 year old child | Epilepsy | 1996 | |
SN classification of epilepsy and treatment of simple partial seizure | Epilepsy | 1996 | |
SN classification of epilepsy in childeren | Epilepsy | 1996 | |
SN condition mimicking seizures | Epilepsy | 1999 | |
SN Enumerate newer drugs for the treatment of epilepsy with their uses. | Epilepsy | 2002 | |
SN etiology and management of febrile seizures | Epilepsy | 1998 | |
SN infantile spasm | Epilepsy | 1999 | |
SN management of a case of complex partial seizure. | Epilepsy | 1998 | |
SN management of intractable seizures in infancy | Epilepsy | 2000 | |
SN partial seizures | Epilepsy | 2000 | |
SN pseudoseizures | Epilepsy | 1998 | |
SN approach to an infant with myoclonic seizures | Epilepsy | 2000 | |
What are the causes of convulsions in children? Discuss the management of status epilepticus. | Epilepsy | 2005 | |
what are the causes of convulsions in infancy and childhood? How will you investigate such case | Epilepsy | 1997 | |
Write the characteristic features of febrile seizures in children. Enumerate the differentiating points for atypical febrile seizure. Outline the indications & regime for continuous prophylaxis in febrile seizures. | Epilepsy | Dec.10 | 2+2+3+3 |
Define myoclonic epilepsy. Discuss in brief the characteristic features of different types of myoclonic epilepsies, with on set in infancy. | Epilepsy | Dec.10 | 2+8 |
Enumerate the etiology of first episode of complex partial seizures in a 7 year old boy. Provide an approach to management of this child | Epilepsy | June.11 | 4+6 |
What is acute flaccid paralysis? Describe the differential diagnosis & management of a child with flaccid paralysis. Describe AFP surveillance. | Floppy | Dec.2009 | 2+2+4+2 |
Define acute flaccid paralysis, Enlist the cuaes and investigations of a case of AFP. | Floppy | 2006 | |
Discuss the D/D and management of AFP in a 2 year old child | Floppy | 2004 | |
Family genetic counselling to parents with 2 boys having calf hypetrophy and progressive proximal leg muscle weakness. | Floppy | 2007 | |
SN differential diagnosis of floppy infant | Floppy | 1996 | |
SN approach to a child with acute flaccid paralysis and components of AFP surveillance. | Floppy | 2000 | |
list the causes of headache in children. Outline an approach for a 10 year old child with headache. | Headache | June.11 | 4+6 |
Describe the normal CSF pathway with the help of a diagram. Define and classify hydrocephalus and enlist its causes. | Hydroceph | 2009 | |
List the causes of hydrocephalus in children. What is the pathogenesis and discuss the management. | Hydroceph | 2005 | |
SN etiology and pathophysiology of hydrocephalus. | Hydroceph | 1999 | |
SN hydrocephalus in infancy | Hydroceph | 1996 | |
Describe briefly cerebro-spinal fluid formation, circulation, absorption & enumerate causes of hydrocephalus. | Hydrocephalous | Dec.11 | 3+2+2+3 |
What are the causes of congenital hydrocephalus? Describe clinical features & management of an infant with Arnold Chiari malformation. | hydrocephalous | Dec.2009 | 4+6 |
Discuss briefly epidemilgy, investigations and management of viral menigoencephalitis. | ICT | 2007 | |
Discuss the pathophysiology and management of raised intracranial pressure | ICT | 2000 | |
Outline the steps in managing intracranial hypertension and provide rationale for each of these steps. | ICT | 2009 | |
SN discuss the management of a 3 year old unconscious child | ICT | 1999 | |
SN pathophysiology of cerebral oedema | ICT | 2000 | |
Define raised intracranial pressure. Describe its clinical features & management. | ICT | June.10 | 2+3+5 |
Enumerate risk factors for brain abscess. Outline investigations & treatment of brain abscess in children. | Infection | Dec.2009 | 4+2+4 |
describe clinical manifestations, diagnosis & management of Neuro-tuberculosis. | Infection | Dec.11 | |
Discuss the etiology, clinical presentations diagnosis and managemen tof ADEM | Infection | 2009 | |
Enumerte risk factors for brain abscess. Outline a schema for investigating and treatment of 10 year old child with brain abscess | Infection | 2008 | |
pathogenesis, management and prognosis of H influenza meningitis in children | Infection | 2006 | |
SN Chronic meningitis clinical approach and management | Infection | 2002 | |
List the neurocutaneous syndromes. Describe the genetics, cellular defect, clinical manifestation & diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis. | Misc | Dec.2009 | 3+1+1+3+2 |
Define Brain Death. Write age specific criteria for Brain Death in children. | Misc | Dec.11 | 2+8 |
SN criteria for brain death | Misc | 1996 | |
brain death | Misc | 1998 | |
Briefly discuss the role of electophysiological studies in pediatric neurolgical disorders | Misc | 2004 | |
Classification and management of migraine | Misc | 2007 | |
Define migraine in children . Discuss the classifcation of migraine and write its management | Misc | 2007 | |
SN brain death | Misc | 1999 | |
SN discuss diagnosis and managemento of viral encephalitis | Misc | 1997 | |
Enumerate the causes of mental retardation in children. Give an outline of management of child with mental retardation. | MR | June.10 | 4+6 |
Clinical features, diagnostic evaluation & treatment of myasthenia gravis. | muscle | June.10 | 3+3+4 |
Discuss about the clinical features, types ,diagnosis & management of myasthenia Gravis. | muscle | Dec.11 | 3+2+2+3 |
Discuss the treatment of a child with single enhancing ring lesion in the parietal region with simple focal seizures. | NCC-TB | 1997 | |
SN ring enhancing lesion on CT scan | NCC-TB | 2001 | |
Describe the different types of hereditary neuropathies. Outline the diagnostic approach & Management of type-1 hereditary motor & sensory neuropathy. | neuropathy | June.10 | 4+6 |
Enumerate various types of neural tube defects & discuss their embryogenesis. Outline in brief management of meningomyelocele. | NTD | June.11 | 3+3+4 |
Discuss briefly the possible predisposing factors types of open neural tube defects in children and its prevention. | NTD | 2007 | |
SN prevention of neural tube defects | NTD | 1997 | |
SN – diagnosis and treatment of SSPE | Regression | 1995 | |
SN Metachromatic leukodystrophy | Regression | 1996 | |
A 10 year old boy is brought with a history of convulsions & altered sensorium. On examination, his BP was 180/110 mm of Hg. Describe differential diagnosis, laboratory investigations & treatment of this case. | Seizures | Dec.2009 | 3+4+3 |
What are the causes of hypercoagulable state in children? How will you manage a case of acute hemiplegia | STROKE | Dec.2009 | 4+6 |
Briefly discuss the arterial suppply of brain. Outline the causes of acute hemiplegia in a 2 year old child. | STROKE | 2007 | |
Describe the causes of thromobembolism in children, outline the management of acute hemiplegia. | STROKE | 2007 | |
discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical sympotmatolgy and differential diagnosis of childhood stroke | STROKE | 2006 | |
Outline the pathway of seventh cranial nerve. Discuss the diagnosis and management of Bell’s palsy. | STROKE | 2004 | |
SN stroke in childhood | STROKE | 2005 | |
Enumerate the causes of stroke in children. Discuss the diagnosis approach for managing a child with stroke. | stroke | Dec.11 | 3+7 |